
The New Order Part 1

Welcome to the first part of our sermon series on "The New Order." In this series, we will explore the exciting and transformative concept of God's new order for our lives, our church, and the world around us.

In a world filled with chaos, uncertainty, and constant change, it is essential for us to understand and align ourselves with God's plan and purpose. The new order represents a fresh season of transformation, restoration, and divine alignment with God's perfect will.

In this introductory sermon, we will lay the foundation for understanding what the new order means and how it relates to our lives as believers. We will delve into the Scriptures, seeking wisdom and guidance from God's Word as we navigate this journey of transformation.

Together, we will explore the principles, promises, and possibilities that come with embracing God's new order. We will discover how it challenges us to let go of old mindsets, patterns, and systems that hinder our spiritual growth and progress. We will also learn how the new order empowers us to walk in greater levels of faith, experience deeper intimacy with God, and live out our God-given destinies.

Join us as we embark on this exciting and transformative journey of understanding and embracing the new order. Together, let us open our hearts and minds to the plans and purposes that God has in store for each one of us. May this series ignite a passion within us to align ourselves with God's new order, bringing about personal transformation, revival, and an outpouring of His Spirit in our lives and in the world around us.

  • DateSunday, May 28, 2023
  • Place 48 Lightning Street, Rhodesfield, Kempton Park 1619